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The program 1432

LLC ” NPP “Saturn-agro” increased supplies of machinery and equipment under the state program № 1432.

the Head of the Ministry of industry and trade of Russia Denis Manturov during the Government hour in the Federation Council said that the Ministry does not plan to initiate changes to the mechanism of subsidizing discounts on Russian agricultural machinery in the framework of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.12.2012 № 1432. This decision is explained by the high efficiency of the program.

According to Denis Manturov, the current mechanism suits both the agricultural producer and the manufacturer of agricultural machinery. It is enough to cite one figure to demonstrate the achievements of Russian agricultural machine builders during the period of the program.At the beginning of its implementation, domestic plants occupied 24% of the domestic market.”Today, according to the results of 2018 – it is 60 %.”- said the Minister.

LLC ” NPP “Saturn-agro” participates in the program № 1432 since 2017.

During this time, investments amounted to 13 000 000,00 rubles., the latest types of equipment were developed and put into production:

1. Sieve-air separator

the Separator is designed for deep cleaning of grain, leguminous and other crops, bringing them to food, commodity and seed conditions. The separator is installed in the technological lines of grain cleaning complexes of agricultural enterprises, elevators, flour and cereal industries.

the principle of separation of impurities from the grain, which differ from it in width, thickness and aerodynamic properties, is implemented In the basis of the grain cleaning separator RVS. The sieve-air RVS separator consists of a sieve separator, a pneumatic aspiration system for two-stage air treatment of grain mass and a pneumatic separating channel, to which auxiliary equipment is attached. The separator is manufactured in two grades: PBC-40, PBC-60.

2. Grain pretreatment separator

the Separator is designed for pre-cleaning of cereals, pulses, small-seeded and other crops before drying. The separator is installed in the technological lines of grain cleaning complexes of agricultural enterprises, elevators, flour and cereal industries. At the heart of the grain cleaning separator sppz implemented the principle of separation of impurities from the grain, different from its width, thickness and aerodynamic properties.

3. Installation Trier t-8

Triers are designed to isolate impurities different from the grains of the main culture in length. At the same time, the grain mixture is pre-processed on air-sieve separators.
the Principle of operation of the Trier is as follows: the grain mixture, entering the rotating cellular Trier cylinder, on the one hand gradually moves to the opposite side – the output. In tiernum the cylinder on the separation of impurities short mesh surface selects from the short grain mass impurities, because the diameter and depth of the cell is less than the average length of the main crop. Raised cells short impurities fall into the tray with a screw. The main grain does not fit along the length of the cell and is a gathering cylinder. In tiernum the cylinder on the separation of long impurities a mesh surface captures the grain missed in the grid. Rising up, they fall into the gutter and the screw is output through the neck to the receiver.

4. Noria grain NCM

the Elevator is designed to move bulk cargo in a vertical and steeply inclined direction.
The Elevator consists of an endless traction element, attached to buckets, which is the working element. The traction element bends around the drive and tension drums. The traction element with buckets, drive and tension drums are enclosed in a metal casing, the upper part of which is called the headband, the lower part – the Shoe. The headband and the Shoe are connected by nori pipes.
Noria is made of seven brands: NCM-10, NCM-20, NCM-30, NCM-40, NCM-50, NCM-75, NCM-100.

Commenced delivery in Tyumen oblast, Sverdlovsk oblast, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Novosibirsk oblast, Kemerovo oblast, Tomsk oblast, Kurgan oblast, Chelyabinsk oblast, Altai Krai, Amur oblast, Republic of Kazakhstan and exports of vehicles increased 0.5 times.
These achievements together with state support allowed to increase production at the enterprise in 1, 7 times.

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