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RVS – 40


the Price is for reference, the exact cost after communication with the Manager
The separator is designed for deep cleaning of grain, leguminous and other crops, bringing them to food, commodity and seed conditions.
The separator is installed as part of the technological lines of grain cleaning complexes of agricultural enterprises, elevators, flour and cereal industries.
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Distinctive functions of grain-cleaning separators of the RVS series in relation, both earlier, and nowadays made, in the following:

1. Full compliance with the declared performance.

2. Grain cleaners are equipped with a magnetic chamber, which eliminates the presence of metal impurities in the grain,which is very important in the production of feed.

3. A high degree of cleaning products in one pass, with a weediness of 16% on the balance of 0.7-1.5% moisture content of 19% does not require the use of pre-cleaning.

4. As easy as possible to adjust (taking into account the current personnel factor). The process of cleaning quality is observed visually.

5. Grain cleaning separator has no chains and other short-lived in the operation of components and parts.

6. In the process of cleaning, it is possible to separate the frail grain from the full grain, the floor, straw, ear of grain waste and Vice versa.

Grain cleaning separators series RVS can be supplied as part of the grain cleaning complex, and separately piagregatno. At the heart of the grain cleaning separator RVS implemented the principle of separation of grain impurities, different from its width, thickness and aerodynamic properties.

Separator grain cleaning PBC consists of a sieve separator, pneumatic aspiration system of two-stage air treatment of grain mass and pneumatic separation channel, to which the auxiliary equipment is attached.

After secondary aspiration cleaning, the cleaned grain through the lower tray of the pneumatic separation channel is taken either to the storage hopper or to the conveying device, depending on the technological scheme of cleaning.

the impurities Extracted from the cleaned material, together with the main air flow, pass through the cyclone built into the aspiration system, are deposited in it, and the air is removed from the room by means of air ducts. The separator can operate both in the Elevator (pre-cleaning of the product) and in the mill (final cleaning) modes, depending on the types of sieves.

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